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Centrifugal concentrator TsVK-100-2M

Purpose: high-quality gravitational enrichment of small-volume samples of fine-grained material (sands or finely ground ores) containing free gold, platinum, silver, during geological exploration of deposits containing precious metals. Application: in laboratory practice of geological exploration during mineralogical and technological studies of mineral raw materials containing noble metals; when developing technologies for extracting gold and platinum from non-traditional raw materials (electronic scrap, waste from metallurgical and refining production); for processing sluice concentrates at concentration factories, finishing stations, and mining cooperatives; to assess the quality of work of mining and mining enterprises and mining cooperatives on the basis of comprehensive mineralogical and technological studies of mineral processing products. Technological features: the ability to process concentrates containing up to 80% heavy minerals (magnetite, chromium spinylide, pyrite, etc.); obtaining a concentrate of a high density class when extracting gold and platinum: class –10 microns up to 68%, class –500 +40 microns up to 98%; the ability to extract gold and platinum into concentrate with a particle size of up to 5 microns; environmental cleanliness of the technological process; high economic efficiency of application. Technical characteristics Size of processed material, mm <2 Productivity: for solids, kg/hour up to 200 Optimal pulp ratio, t:l from 1:4 to 1:8 Reduction rate up to 1000 times Concentrate volume, ml 40-80 Characteristics of the power supply network, V/Hz 380/50 Power consumption, kW 0.25 Overall dimensions, АхВхН, mm 315х670х755 Weight, kg 56

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