Full range of construction services: design, cost estimates, supply of quality materials directly from manufacturing plants, construction and installation services, selection of construction crews for specific tasks (roofing work, stone work, repair and finishing work, laying paving stones,...
LocationRussian Federation
25 00000 RUB
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Designer services. Cottage design. We carry out architectural design of residential buildings of various heights, public, administrative, warehouse buildings, production, industrial, design of boiler houses. Also design of linear facilities: gas supply networks, water supply and sewerage...
LocationRussian Federation
11100 RUB
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We offer our clients a full range of design services for residential complexes, public, administrative, industrial facilities and country houses. We provide additional project support services.
10 16800 RUB
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We provide services for the design, manufacture, and metal structures for both individual and industrial applications. We make containers, racks, stairs, fences, railings, gratings, water tanks, metal housings, tanks, heat exchangers, storm drains, electrical cabinets, cabinets for cylinders,...
LocationRussian Federation
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LLC "PF" MIDAS "offers services in the design and manufacture of transport lines and conveyors. An individual approach to each customer. Providing a guarantee for manufactured products, and we also provide repair services for existing technological lines.
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