Oil and gas separators
Oil and gas separator
Oil and gas separator (OGS) - SCV-5N (SCV-8N) is designed for separation (separation) of gas-oil (gas-condensate) flow, degassing of the liquid (oil, gas-condensate) phase, primary purification of the gas flow. The separator is distinguished by the fact that it is designed for a high concentration of liquid flow and a low concentration of gas flow.
The separator is used in the oil and gas industry and can be used:
in oil fields:
for degassing of produced oil and separation of associated petroleum gas;
for cleaning associated gas from gas condensate, oil, droplet, fine, aerosol moisture and mechanical impurities at oil treatment units for the further use of associated gas as boiler fuel;
for the preparation of gas before flare lines for gas utilization by flaring, in order to capture irretrievably lost hydrocarbon raw materials and purify the flared gas, purify associated gas for the purposes of further transportation, sale and use as fuel;
in gas fields with a high content of water (flooded wells) and gas condensate to purify the produced gas from gas condensate, droplet, fine, aerosol moisture and mechanical impurities;
when transporting gas to purify the transported gas from droplet, fine, aerosol moisture and mechanical impurities before and after gas pumping compressor units, as well as in places where a large amount of liquid fraction condenses;
when using gas for gas purification at gas distribution stations, before using gas piston, gas turbine power plants and thermal power plants as fuel. Main technical characteristics of separators STsV-5N (STsV-8N):
Gas productivity, Q (nm^3/day) – up to 10,000,000;
Productivity in the liquid phase, Q (nm^3/min) – not limited;
Working pressure, MPa (kgf/cm^2) – up to 35.0 (350);
Working medium – gas-oil, gas condensate, liquid, solid particles;
The liquid content at the outlet of the separator is 0.004 g/m^3;
The content of suspended particles at the outlet is 0.003 g/m^3;
The centrifugal vortex separator SCV has an insignificant pressure loss, which, if necessary, can be adjusted during the calculation of the separator parameters.
The method of removing separated liquid is in automatic mode;
- Russian Federation
- Sale
- Gravitational
- Mining of oil and gas
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