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Tunneling complex KPV-4A

Designed for carrying out raising mine workings in stable rocks of medium strength and strong ones in the mining industry and during the construction of special structures in mines. The complex consists of a self-propelled regiment, a monorail, an automatic hose winch, a power supply, communication equipment and lighting. The shelf is a self-propelled cabin with a drilling platform that moves on a monorail, which is attached to the side of the excavation. Sections are built up as progress is made. The movement is carried out using a reversible air motor. Air is supplied to the pneumatic motor from the shaft line through the power supply. The shelf is used for drilling and loading holes in raised workings, building up a monorail, trimming the walls of workings, lifting equipment, people and materials, including explosives, into the face, cutting, jointing rising workings and arranging running compartments after excavation. Brief technical characteristics of the complex: the angle of inclination of the workings to the horizon is 60-90 degrees; excavation cross-section - 3-8 square meters. m; length (height) of the excavation - 120 m; useful load capacity - 600 kg; travel speed 0.25 m/s; complex weight - 11300 kg.

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