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Fertile soil, infertile soil, black soil, sand, crushed stone, gravel mass, secondary crushed stone, asphalt chips, expanded clay, horse and cow manure - we will deliver everything quickly! We carry 10-15t KamAZ trucks. Fertile soil is soil that can partially or completely satisfy the needs of plants for nutrients and is considered to be fertile. This means that all the necessary components are balanced in it, which allows the planted crops to grow and develop. Soil that lacks any substances is considered infertile or less fertile. Chernozem is a very valuable land; it is used for various purposes. For planting vegetables, grains, forage crops, cultivating vineyards, berry fields and gardens in general. This soil is used to fill greenhouses, hotbeds, greenhouses and pots for forcing flower plants. If necessary, order a front-end loader to level the area. Not an intermediary, our own technology.

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