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Earth soil buy

Sale and distribution of garden soil, fertile soil, chernozem in bulk and in bags Hello dear owners of dachas and gardens! You can buy fertile soil, garden soil and black soil from us. Absolutely all soil mixtures are prepared according to agrotechnological requirements. We deliver soil in bags and in bulk using our transport. The minimum quantity for purchase is 10 bags or 3 cubic meters. m. in bulk Bags with a volume of fifty liters. Absolutely all products have quality certificates and are environmentally friendly for growing shrubs, trees, ornamental and food crops. Who is this proposal suitable for? Various plots of land are not suitable for planting cultivated plants. In turn, fertile soil should be practiced when growing indoors and inside greenhouses. Our offer will be of interest to owners of subsidiary plots, private owners of gardens and land plots, flower growers, and summer residents. - Do you specialize in landscape design? - Do you grow fruit trees and shrubs? - Do you need to plant seedlings in a greenhouse? - Do you grow garden and ornamental crops for sale or for procurement? The current offer is only valid for you if you have answered in the affirmative at least once. Good soil is the key to rapid growth and very high yields. What does fertile soil consist of and how is delivery done? The composition uses a fertile layer of soil from environmentally friendly areas of the region. The composition is enhanced by sand, humus, and peat. Absolutely all components of the mixture are completely safe for humans and plants and have been purified. We deliver soil in bags or in bulk. You can pick up the soil mixture yourself from the warehouse from 5 bags. Our company has flexible prices. When setting prices, we focus on the purchase volume, discounts that apply and transportation distance. Working hours from 9 to 22, seven days a week. Payment after shipment. Call us - we are in touch!

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