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Sand with delivery construction river quarry washed from 10 m3

Strict delivery schedule. Only verified manufacturers. Call! Sale of various types of sand with delivery from 10 m3 Washed clean river sand Quarry coarse sand 0-5 Clay river sand Fine-grained sand Prikubansky Coarse-grained sand Belorechensky Compliance with GOST and exact weight in each machine Delivery of materials from the Belorechensky quarries - crushed gravel, crushed stone screenings, gravel, gravel-sand mixture GPS, sand-gravel mixture PGS, crushed stone-sand mixture ShchPS, crushed stone-sand-gravel mixture ShchPGS, river pebbles, cobblestones. Delivery of materials from the Medvezhya Gora quarry - crushed limestone, crushed stone waste, crushed stone screenings. The minimum delivery is carried out in a volume of 8-10 m3, depending on the bulk density of the material. We will deliver the material to Krasnodar and throughout the Krasnodar region. Interested in long-term supplies. We work for Cash, with and without VAT

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