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Chip basalt paving stones.

Basalt chipped paving stones are an affordable, natural and durable building material that can retain their original properties for centuries. Crushed paving stones are used for paving roads, sidewalks, walkways and squares. Basalt crushed paving stones are cubes that differ from similar materials in their irregular shapes and uneven surface of the edges. Both machine and manual processing methods are used to make paving stones. The uneven surface gives the appearance the appearance of antiquity and centuries-old reliability. When paving paths with chipped paving stones, the gap between the stones will be slightly larger than when using full-sawn paving stones. Basalt crushed paving stones have all the characteristics of other road construction materials made from granite and basalt. The advantage of its use is: Durability - Basalt is resistant to precipitation, vibrations, chips, scratches, pressure and various shock loads! Natural stone Basalt serves for centuries without losing its properties; Aesthetics - Territories paved with paving stones acquire a unique appearance, the main feature of which is naturalness and nobility; Environmental friendliness - Basalt is a natural material and, due to the complete absence of background radiation, is harmless to both humans and the environment; Cost-effective - Granite and Basalt, even under harsh operating conditions, do not require repairs or special care, which allows you to save on the maintenance of roads and sites created from it.

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