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Granite blocks gabbro diabase sale price in Karelia

The Stone Market company offers for sale granite blocks from the deposits of Karelia Alanoskua, Elizovskoye, Vozrozhdenie (gray granite), Baltiyskoye (brown grano-syenite), Nigrozero "Garnet amphibolite", Sopka Buntina "Green pyroxenite", Dymovskoye, Drugoretskoye. Sales of products throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Delivery of granite blocks is carried out by rail and road transport. We also offer sawing, slabs, ritual products (monuments, tombstones, memorial complexes, elite monuments), granite vases, balls, granite tiles, paving stones, decorative crushed stone (crimson quartzite, metabasalt, etc.), custom-made granite products . The full price list and prices can be viewed on our website: Contacts: Address: 185026 Petrozavodsk, st. Brothers Ozerov, 12, office. 4 89114287055 Nikolay

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