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Ferrous metal scrap in Domodedovo, scrap metal price in Domodedovo, hand over scrap in Domodedovo

We will purchase scrap metal at an expensive price, scrap metal removal, dismantling of metal structures in Moscow, the Moscow region Scrap metal - scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals Scrap metal is used parts of ferrous and non-ferrous metal products that have become unusable and allow for recycling, namely remelting. Scrap metal is divided into: ferrous metal scrap, non-ferrous metal scrap. Ferrous metal scrap (ferrous metal) includes scrapped items made of iron, cast iron, and stainless steel. Scrap of non-ferrous metals includes items made of copper and alloys of copper, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, including ship titanium, lead, tin and some other metals that have become unusable. To complete the picture, one more type of scrap should be highlighted - these are products made of precious metals that have become unusable. But due to their rarity, high price and insignificant relative volumes, they are accepted, as a rule, through the own channels of jewelry factories, as well as in pawnshops and jewelry workshops with the appropriate license. Scrap metal is accepted at collection points. Scrap metal collection points are available in every city, and the size of the site and its equipment correspond to the constant flow of scrap in the region. Cost of scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals The cost depends primarily on the geographical location of the collection point, on the distance to the end consumer - a steel mill or port, a large transshipment base. The price is affected by the quality of the scrap itself. So for steel 12A the average price is 5 rubles per kilogram. And for steel 3A – 7 rubles per kilogram. The average price for receiving used copper products is 200 rubles per 1 kilogram. Additional services of scrap metal collection points In practice, a situation arises when a company has a mechanism or product that has become unusable, but cannot hand it over due to the lack of means of transportation and preliminary cutting. For example, oil transformers, like all devices, sooner or later become unusable, but it is quite difficult to sell them for scrap metal, since they require preliminary preparation - cutting. Large specialized scrap metal collection points have their own equipment and tools, as well as qualified personnel to perform such work. Of course, you will have to pay for them, but this is more profitable than not getting anything at all and storing unnecessary objects on the territory. What is not accepted at scrap collection points? There are certain products that are prohibited. This ban was introduced to reduce the theft of these metal products for the sole purpose of scrapping and making a profit. Here is a partial list of what may not be accepted at the point: steel cables and slings; certain types of wire; resin tanks; rails and other scrap related to railway transport; covers and rims of sewer manholes; uncut cylinders, as well as other containers that have not been opened; ammunition of all types, as well as unknown suspicious items; not disassembled refrigeration and other units; any products containing non-metals; certain types of chips; An accurate and complete list of what the point accepts or does not accept must be found out directly at the point. Since each company has its own characteristics and capabilities for processing, storing and transporting scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Scrap metal categories Ferrous metal scrap is divided into special categories. These categories, namely the properties of scrap that belongs to a specific category, are described in GOST 2787-75, which was adopted back in Soviet times, but these standards are currently registered with the Ministry of Justice. A list of the main qualities of scrap metal, which determine the category and determine the price, the carbon content in the metal; presence of alloying elements; the size of individual parts of scrap in the majority;

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