Sale of oils in bulk and in barrels. Call to check availability and range. We supply oils for industry, industrial and food applications. The general price list of our company is 2300 items.
LocationRussian Federation BrandTutela
3 73500 KZT
In stock
Brake fluid ROS DOT-4 910g.
1 60000 KZT
In stock
Operating fluids - fluids used in the operation of machines: coolants, hydraulic fluids, brake fluids, shock-absorbing fluids, electrolyte for lead batteries and ethyl industrial alcohol. More details:
Contact us for a price
In stock
Brake fluid ROS DOT-4 250 gr.
57000 KZT
In stock
Call to check availability and range. The general price list of our company is 2300 items. Sale of oils in bulk and in barrels. We supply oils for industry, industrial and food applications.
1 71500 KZT
In stock
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  • 0KZT
  • 3740KZT
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