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Pescosol "Nezkolzin" 40 kg

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Pescosol (sand-salt mixture) is a common mixture of sand and industrial salt in certain proportions and is an excellent means for combating road icing in winter. The lower the temperature and the larger the ice layer, the higher the percentage of salt content in the sand-salt mixture. The sand-salt mixture combines both the qualities of an anti-icing material (sodium chloride in its composition promotes the melting of ice formations) and a high-quality abrasive material that increases the coefficient of adhesion to the road surface, preventing cars and pedestrians from “sliding” on the ice. Depending on a number of factors, such as: the thickness of the ice coating, ambient temperature, wind blowability, the ratio of sand and salt in the sand-salt mixture may be different. Starting from 10%, up to 50% salt. A proportion of 30/70% (i.e. 7 parts sand is added to 3 parts salt) is considered the standard (the most common ratio).

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