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Jute rope 04mm (skein 30m)

7400 RUB
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Jute rope is not only a durable and moisture-resistant material, this rope is made from fibers of the jute bush and is environmentally friendly. Advantages of rope made from natural fibers: high strength and low extensibility; environmental safety - the material is 100% biodegradable; the widest range of applications - versatility; insulating and antistatic properties; low thermal conductivity; the ability to combine with artificial and natural materials with the same degree of effectiveness; resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations; tied knots do not unravel due to the unique heterogeneous structure of the fibers; like all ropes made from plant fibers, jute can be used successfully and absolutely safely near flammable objects, as well as in residential premises; resistance to rotting, as a result - the possibility of using this material outdoors without the need to use special impregnations; amazing decorative properties. Ropes are used in various sectors of the national economy: in creative interior solutions, both for finishing furniture in the house and for creating decorative fakes; packaging and tying of parcels, boxes; garters of greenhouse crops; economic needs; design and decorative purposes; finishing of small inter-crown gaps in the seam between the crowns.

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