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Transport and customs services, export logistics, import to Russia

Customs services within the EU European Union in any European country, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, etc. registration of export documents:

Registration: EXA, EUE A, IMA, EUI A, TIR, CMR, T1, T2
Preparation of Intrastat reports for companies.
Registration of certificates of origin, Strategic licenses, other permitting documents.

full range of customs services in the Russian Federation, customs clearance

We provide complete
customs services on the territory of the Russian Federation
Having your own customs brokerage license, as well as
The experience of close cooperation with more than 10 customs posts on the territory of the Russian Federation allows us to carry out customs clearance of cargo taking into account any client conditions. Registration for a direct contract or a broker contract.

  • Russian Federation
  • Europe

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